15,207 PEOPLE.  lost.

"an uncontrollable crisis"- the UN

15,702.  A number that represents the civilian death toll in the Israel-Hamas conflict. It shows the number of children, parents, and friends lost. 15,702 lives cut short by war. 15,702 families now in despair, their lives ruined. This conflict has not only taken lives but has also left behind pain and loss. Families and communities now deal with the aftermath, trying to rebuild from the ruins. Homes, schools, and neighborhoods have been damaged or destroyed.

Our mission

As a student-led organization, we aim to spread and maintain awareness about current wars and their disastrous impacts. We believe awareness is the first step towards peace. We also aim to minimize the harms of current wars as much as we can as a student organization. We will do this by fundraising for humanitarian aid programs such as the UN Crisis Relief programs. Please, if you can, donate. 100 RMB is enough to provide potentially life saving medical aid to someone in crisis. Click Learn More to learn more about the historical contexts that led to these conflicts.

How can you help?

We would appreciate it if you could donate to our case. Just 100 RMB is enough to provide someone with life saving supplies and medical kits. People living in these regions suffer from the effects of war every day. Please, help them. We urge you not to miss this opportunity to make an impact on the life of someone you don’t know.